My Little Joy

I am not one to brag about anything in life. But yes my cooking skills, that is something I shall never ever be modest about. I started cooking as a child. Yes, a child (as early as 5 :D). I thank mostly my family for always being by my side. My poor sister who was always the guinea pig for my pieces of art (rather not). She always finished whatever I served up. All she ever had to say was next time try harder it will be perfect. My Mom, Masi and Nani who taught me to cook with my heart. All the great aunties around the world, be it the mothers of my dear friends or just people I knew from the neighborhood. Each one of them have added to me in ways they won’t even ever realize. The awesome encouragement on each one of my cooks or bakes. I cook with love and people eat with excitement. That is a feeling I can’t really put into words.

I now welcome you into this world of mine. I am not here to teach or correct. Only here to share. I have never had any formal training in culinary arts and have so far never let anyone down. All I know is I cook, and then I feed, wholeheartedly. Unfortunately I can’t personally cook for everyone out there, but yes if given the chance I’d love to do that as well. Till then feed your eyes and share with me, my little

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