Happy New Year 3018 – Women take on the universe

As the sun rises on 3018 the premier leaders (all female) of 180 planets of the universe congregate at Sayuri Jima off erstwhile Japan. While they bask in the first rays of the dawning sun they plan to resolve the ever so famous disputes of the Domestic goddesses. It is often also referred to as the Expedition Terra Pura. The representatives of each party are making perfect valid points while the universal congress all try to patiently listen on. The matter at hand is simple; the warriors of Claro had been chosen to protect the universe from impurities and were the fore runners of Expedition Terra Pura.

The mission was not for the faint hearted. All inhabited planets were to be scanned and sterilized of any impurities that may cause harm to the living beings present on it. The warriors would be sponsored for their acts and also duly rewarded for their actions. Meetings were held, Teams assigned to various planets and a mission plan was set. But the Claro, true to their kind, repetitively missed milestones. At times they even self assigned a proxy team to fulfill their duties. But alas, as usual the Expedition rarely saw a fruitful end. The Planets now lacked the needed upkeep and failed on most sanitary checklists. The universal committee of domestic goddesses was in an uproar. This had to end! If need be a special ceremony would be performed to please the Claro gods. Terra was not Pura and that was just not working out. Despite continuous efforts changing of schedules and reassignment of planets hardly any alliances seemed to be in sync. Every time the matter was brought up earlier it could never be discussed peacefully. There was screaming, shouting, and the blame game never ended. In the last congress a proposal had been put forward to increase the funds assigned to the Claro Warriors, but that too saw no positive result. It was turning into an intergalactic catastrophe. The genteel discussions had turned into a mudslinging yelling match. Many universal leaders were now on the verge of declaring war on the Claro. But the Claro Warriors just looked everyone smug in the eye and didn’t budge. They knew that the planets depended on their kind to fulfill these missions and they were not going to bow down to any authority. Helpless and fed up part of the congress now proposed to try to send their own teams on Expedition Terra Pura. This new change in attitude didn’t go to well with the Claro and a sense of madness started arising from their stands. Suddenly! A bright flash lit up the entire congress, and that’s when I woke up.

It was still 2018. My maid was still missing and this, was perhaps the hundredth time in the past six months that my house had missed it’s much needed cleaning. Tired of the repeat absences I was obsessed with finding a new housekeeper or just getting used to doing it all myself. If nothing else my few years abroad had at the least left me with great cleaning, mopping and laundry skills. This constant buzzing in my brain has taken over most of my thoughts much so that my Sci- Fi loving brain was dreaming of a planet of maids that too did not keep up to their promises in the distant future. Sigh! I pray for every woman that needs to deal with a busy life and the added duties of maintaining their households. I’m willing to give this in writing; even if we women do take over the universe, our households help will still be making us cry.

I’d like to thank Pooja Jha for introducing me. Read her post for this blog party here about-pooja

Also do go to my friend Ishieta Chopra’s  blog post at Isheeriashealingcircles.com to read her participating blog.

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